Thursday, April 2, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

My thought for this week:

Life isn't then, life isn't when; life is this, here, now. -October Road

Today is my first day of integration at Fort Gordon. I took a quick look back at the last month I've had off, and I realized that I let some of the moments slip by unsavored due to the fact that I was waiting for something else to happen. And that led me to think that there were times in my life that I spent weeks at a time waiting for something else and missing the now entirely. The more I ponder on it the more I think that we are a society the is obsessed with missing the now. That next vacation, that next promotion, that next party, that next next. Stopping to smell the roses is perhaps a little wasteful, but we should all try a little harder to at least enjoy the scent as we bustle by.

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