Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Sunday

This morning Jay made pancakes and sausage for breakfast, and I set the table in all it's finery. We picked flowers (to rescue them before Jay mowed). Jay taught the girls how to mow the yard (I'm seeing a new chore for them in the distant future) and the girls raced on the driveway with their scooter and skateboard. What a great way to start a Sunday! Mom was gone before we woke up, but she left a note for us (thank goodness, because Miah was really upset that mom didn't wake her up....but mom let her know she tried!) I hope every body's Sunday started as nicely! I wanted to mention, you know you blog too much when your kids are posing all the time for blog pictures, and the first thing your husband says after you catch him doing something stupid on camera is "Please don't blog that!" I love it!

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