Wednesday, April 15, 2009

AIT at Fort Gordon

A moment of explanation. My husband is an instructor here at Gordon, and every day he comes home with stories about how "smart" the privates are. OMG I'll let him tell you some funnies if he feels they won't make anybody look too bad, but I have to show you proof....these guys are bloomin' idiots, and this is why Jay is so happy coming home from work....he gets to yell that THESE guys...all day long. Awesome. Go Army. Hooah, right? Wonder who has to pay for all of those ceiling tiles??? Boy, I wish Jay had walked in on this one.


Mommy to those Special Ks said...

WOW! I don't know what is worse, the fact that they did this in the first place or the fact that they displayed their stupidity on Youtube! LOL Ahhh our heroes at work! LOL

Susan said...

Wow! I'm more surprised that he is allowed to yell at them. Guess they need more to do during their off time. Crazy kids...