Monday, September 1, 2008

To whom it may concern...

Why does it take two children 72 hours to clean two bedrooms? It's not a joke, no. This is my life. Welcome, come on in, sit a spell.
I keep sneaking up the steps, low-crawling (if that's possible) up the stairs, and peeking around the corner. Miah has been caught sitting facing the wall while shredding a piece of paper, sitting on top of her dresser and chewing her toenails, and rolling my beads with her little hands against the floor. She is off in her little world, quietly singing a song to herself, looking so sweet. Meanwhile she is plotting her world domination. AHHHHH!!!!! I have yelled, talked, threatened, and now I give up. No matter what I do, she will not finish. If I make her stay in there any longer I will have to send her to the parole board!
Laurel however, I never catch her. I don't know why she is so slow, but every time I look it appears as if she is actually doing something. However, there is not a lot of progress. Her best friend called seven hours ago to see if she could hang out and decorate the bedroom, but YA RIGHT!!!
I'm so freaking frustrated.

1 comment:

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Yes. I totally feel you. You should see our playroom. Kass and Kam have been cleaning that thing for a WEEK... and it's a disaster. GRR