Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Some of my creations...and other news

I have made a bunch of stuff lately that I want to show off, but just don't have time this instant to scan them all. I'll get to it later! Right now I'm taking a break from fixing my FRG roster. My eyeballs are swimming with email addresses, and my neck is killing me!

In other news, Jay and I have been researching Fort Gordon like crazy, and it turns out that there are no DOD (department of defence) schools on post, so we are going to go ahead and rent a house off post! I'm terribly excited. It'll be the first time we get to choose our dwelling in more than 6 years, so now maybe we can live in a place that isn't embarrassing to have friends over!
I have to admit to being nervous. I'm really out of practice in the moving department. It seems like we were moving once a year for a long while there, but we've been fairly stable for a long while. I have no clue where to start!
Anywho...More jewelry to show off later!

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