Thursday, March 26, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

Today's Thought:

All the words and all the deeds and all the thoughts and all the dreams and all the pain; all the lives and deaths that have brought me here and brought me now: it's overwhelming what the world has gone through to make me who I am. - 0721 22OCT03
This is true for all of us of course. In the scheme of things; the great big Chaos Theory / Butterfly Effect grandness of it all, none of us would be exactly who we are without all the uncountable moments that have led up to everything that occurs in our lives and every life that touches ours. I don't know if the same was true when I first wrote this down, somewhere in the middle of my first tour in Iraq, but I very much like who I am. Sure I can improve, but who among us humans are perfect?

The period of rest between my last seven years at Fort Campbell and my new challenge here at Fort Gordon is quickly coming to an end. Soon all of the moments of the past will lead me to a knew now, a new where, a slightly new who. Hopefully a better one.

See you next week.

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