Thursday, March 19, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

Welcome back,

This week's thought is from our old friend Tyler Durden:
The things you own end up owning you

We have been having a ball recently unpacking and setting up the new house. It seems that nothing quite fits. And that makes sense because Stacy had about five years to make everything fit the place at Ft. Campbell. But on one of the first days last week while we taking a well deserved break, I decided to chime in with one of my old standbys; a quote from Fight Club. Be it the movie or the book, the anti-hero of this tale has words of wisdom for every situation. And when My Love is explaining to me how hard it would be to get rid of any of the precious little trinkets that clog her shelves, this is the most applicable. We'll likely hear from him again.
Enjoy your week.

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