Sunday, March 1, 2009

Stabbed in the back???? UPDATE

Heads-up from BG Bob Clements, USAF Ret (P38 Bob) The following has been added to the Congressional Budget Office Web Site

This should get you to the PDF, hold down the control button and press "F" and search for TFL which should then take you to the particular page in the proposal that pertains to us. (or, it's on page 175 if that's easier) We need to let our politicians know what we think! If we keep our mouths shut, nothing will change! I think that after all of the sacrifices my family has made, and the ultimate sacrifices of some of my close friends, they at least owe it to us to take care of our health care. This is NOT the solution we need to be looking at. Thanks for paying attention, and PASS it on!!!

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