Sunday, March 15, 2009

Friday Fill-in

For some reason this didn't post on Friday. I'm doing it again...because finally now my office and art room are set up, and I can start posting again! Yay! There have been a million times that I wanted to blog, and couldn't. I've been as busy as a bee, and I'm seriously burnt out. I mean, I knew I had a lot of books, but this is insane! I really wish I had sorted through the paperbacks while at home, and I could have given them to friends instead of goodwill. I have no clue when I will go home again, so I can't save them to pass out then....there just isn't enough shelf space! I need to get back to work, so I'll see ya later!

Oh, P.S. Two hour time difference, it sucks. Really. A lot.

1. Give me _a bed____ and I'll sleep till noon_____.

2. Whenever _I open a box, I wonder, where will THIS go???

3. I wish __I had one more book shelf___.

4. _My spinach pasta____ was the last thing I ate that was utterly delicious.

5. To live in this world _you have to make some consessions____.

6. Other than this one, __Myspecialks___ is the last blog I commented on.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _the new Dish Network system____, tomorrow my plans include __more unpacking___ and Sunday, I want to _unpack some more____!

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