Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Well, Shit

That's what today was.
I'm not going to say anything other than to preface Laurel and Miah's posts. They are very angry, and needed an outlet. They see me using my blog as a place to vent, and brag, so when Miah brought it up I knew it would be perfect. They get to write, and not only vent, but know that people care about the fact that they are hurting. That's one thing I can say about this, is that I have the best group of friends ever.
I know Laurel cussed (sort of) and I feel the need to explain that she NEVER does this. She didn't even type the words, but very strongly felt the need to use them. I gave them the freedom to say whatever they needed to in order to feel better, and I never go back on my word. Ever.
I have to question her vampire bunny threat though. WTF? She is 12.
These girls have survived a hell of a lot. They really deserve better treatment.
I sincerely hope that Ben will be loved and treated well.
There are a lot of things I'd like to say, but, you know, it wouldn't do any good. Jay and I have to look these girls in the tear-filled eye and tell them that even though this was extremely hard, we made the best decision we could. I'm going to be bothered by the fact that I may have given up too easily, but at least my girls have now a better understanding of humanity, and why I approach the world the way I do.

I really wish I could post my friends' emails. They show that not everyone sucks. I made sure to tell the girls what you guys said, so that they would learn that too.

-If you are in any way offended by what my girls said, feel free to take it up with them, and they can show you how to be an adult.

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