Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Idle Wednesday

A New Shoe Clutter Solution!
(Don't mind the scratched up wall, that's what you get when you have a Weimaraner who loves the backyard!)

For more than a year now we've been taking our shoes off at the door just as we get home, and tossing them into a corner of the kitchen. Mind you, there is an antique chair/step stool we are supposed to line our shoes up on, but no one ever does. The shoes end up in a pile, only organized every once in a while, or hauled upstairs when I can't stand to look at them anymore. Not only that, but my Hoosier cabinet gets loaded up with purses, backpacks, mail, keys, sweaters and so on...when it's supposed to only hold the coffee maker, the crock pot and the toaster. Drives this slightly OCD Mama nuts. So, I went in search of a solution today. I've tried going with Jay, but he hated everything I pointed out, so this time I went alone, and so whatever I liked I the time he gets home I've already spent the money and screwed holes in it, so what can he do? Anyway, I took the kids to my favorite store (LOWES) after school and picked out some simple hooks to add to the side of the shelf for our sweaters and bags, and there ya have it! A five minute fixer upper that will hopefully keep the mess off the floor. The best part was that my tinkerer-in-training helped me out. One day Miah will proudly be getting a tool belt and power tools for her birthday, just like her Mama.

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