Wednesday, December 16, 2009

12 Days Of Truth - The Real Meaning Of Christmas

The Third Day of Truth - Stockings

Hung by the chimney with care, stuffed with little trinkets for the tykes. Where does this tradition come from? The most common myth is about a nobleman who spent himself poor after loosing his wife. Unfortunately he had three daughters and could now not afford their dowry. The myth claims that Saint Nicolais tossed a bag of gold for each daughter down their chimney which was caught by the stockings that they had placed there to dry overnight. Another myth claims that the dutch children would leave presents for Sinterclass in their clogs. The clogs evolved to stockings around the time that Sinterclass evolved into Santa. And the idea for coal? That originated in Italy. Tradition states that the stockings should contain something to eat, a thing that makes a sound, one that gives a pleasant view to the eyes, and a gift which has a lovely fragrance as these are supposed to be the gifts left by Santa. The presents under the tree were to be from family.

A simple tradition, and one of the few that still hearkens to the spirit of christmas as I understand it. The small, simple gifts are in direct contrast to the commercial gluttony that the holiday has become.

And now you know.

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