Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

The thought for today:
Youth is wasted on the young. -George Bernard Shaw
As this is only my thirtieth orbit of Sol, I feel that I am caught between youth and wisdom. My job puts me in such a position that I am faced with both extremes. The young men and women that I am teaching to be army communicators are often the exact reason I suppose that Mr. Shaw formed that thought; rash, headstrong, ruled by their emotions. At the same time, the retired soldiers I work with have at least twenty years more experience at life than me. They often make me feel like a young rash foolhardy person myself. As a result I often spend my days wishing for a little of the former's energy and a little of the latter's wisdom.

I suppose that the end result is that we can't change which state of life we are in. While you are young, you should enjoy it with relish while being cognizant of the fact that youth is fleeting. When youth is well behind you, enjoy the fact that those years of insecurity and confusion are behind you while doing your best to guide those in need of your help. For those of us who are caught in the middle, perhaps we should just be happy that we have our toes in both pools.

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