Thursday, November 5, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

Today's Thought:
I do not believe that given due diligence that any life can be said to have
been easy.

This is a concept that we as humans have a big problem with. We are constantly saying things like, "that must be nice" or, "what a wonderful life that person has". This drive we humans have to show ourselves that we have it bad is counterproductive. Even people that don't subscribe to the "woe is me" attitude occasionally look to another person and lament how easy the other has it. While that may be true to a point, it is only one aspect of that person's life. Bill Gates has far more money than I do, and he would surely admit that that makes his life easier, but he also has a multi-billion dollar company to run, and that must be much harder than the job I go to daily. That is the easiest example of what I'm trying to say.
In order to truly analyze the toughness of a life, one must live it. No two people will ever view the same situation equally no matter how closely they observe it. Our view of the world is infinitely affected by our past, and our view of the world vastly effects how we react to it.
This said, I will admit that there are some lives that just seem exceptionally sucky or exceptionally lucky. There are some lives that do not equal up no matter how much sugar you coat the raw data in. A tough life, however prepares us for hard events, so there is still a plus. What I hope to focus you on, throughout this week is not on what someone has better than you, but how you excel. Focus on what you can do better, even if it may not be a life saving skill. You may well enjoy your week a little more.

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