Monday, January 12, 2009

One of those personality tests...

Demeanor (You're Moderately Alpha)
Demeanor is really all about confidence in this case and confidence is a strong measure of a person's mating selectivity. This also provides a natural predictive agent for determining if two people may find each other suitable for dating. Someone with strong confidence is said to be Alpha, whereas someone less confident and perhaps more timid would be referred to as Beta. An individual who is a strong Alpha may feel bored and unchallenged by a more timid and unsure Beta. Conversely, a Beta may feel insecure about the faithfulness of an Alpha, particularly if they show any signs of boredom or discontent.

Sociability (You're Moderately Reserved)
A person who is highly sociable is said to be Outgoing, whereas someone more quiet and withdrawn is said to be reserved. An Outgoing person thrives on social activity and will be bored having to focus on a solitary activity for too long. A reserved individual on the other hand thrives in solitude and actually feels overwhelmed by excessive social activity and excitement. What may be exciting for one might cause anxiety and stress in another - one may prefer to spend Saturday night at a club while another may prefer a good book and a coffee shop.

Perception (You're Moderately Imaginative)
How does one perceive the World around them? The Factual person tends to accept the World that is given to them and spends their life optimizing the details within a given framework (a realist), whereas an Imaginative person spends their life redefining the framework itself (an idealist). In life, a Factual person would tend to be more conservative. They may tend to practice conservative politics, have a more traditional job, and are more likely to practice a formal organized religion. An Imaginative individual would tend to question authority, practice progressive politics, would tend toward creative or philosophical occupations, and would more commonly identify with being spiritual rather than practicing a specific organized religion.

Rationale (You're Moderately Logical)
While Perception dealt with how a person takes in information from the World around them (Induction), Rationale is about how decisions are made by processing that information to arrive at a conclusion based on that information (deduction). A Logical person would make lists and charts and come to an objective conclusion, usually as a part of a larger strategy for how they approach life. An emotional person would tend to base it on their feelings such as empathy, joy, or anger. A strongly logical decision-maker is often thought to be decisive but cold and calculative, whereas a strongly emotional decision maker is often said to be spontaneous, albeit unreasonable at times.

Lifestyle (Slightly Driven)
How does an individual live their day to day life? A person who is highly driven often has the inclination to sacrifice today in order to improve tomorrow, while a contented person tends to live in the moment. For example, a strong Driven person may work a lot and may save or invest their money with an eye on their 20 year plan. A Contented person on the other hand may be more inclined to take a lesser-paying job they enjoy and not worry as much about retirement, college funds, etc.

Seems I'm moderate.
I think I feel slightly insulted. But I'm not

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