Monday, January 12, 2009

It's all routine!

5:30 am Beyonce' wakes me up, I roll over and tap Jay on the small of his back to make sure he heard the clock radio start.
6:00 am I open one eye remembering that I forgot to set the second alarm for myself, I hear Jay walk out the front door for PT.
6:10 am Seems like a long time has passed, I open one eye to check the time. I need to wake up at 6:20 to get the girls rolling. I roll my eyes. It's only been 10 minutes!
6:15 am Holy cow, this isn't funny.
6:20 am **Snooze**
6:30 am Well, crap.

So, this morning I woke up to start the day without Jay next to me for the first time in a month, and it sucked a little. This is the part that starts off a little roughly. The morning schedule. I may have complained about this before, but in the morning I get up earlier than I used to b/c Laurel needs to be at the middle school about an hour before Miah needs to be at hers. We all rush to get ready, and I drive Laurel to school. Miah and I drive back home and sit for an hour (watching Craig Ferguson, or GMA) and then I drive Miah to her school and walk her to her classroom so she doesn't wander off to the lunchroom, or to gossip with all of the teachers she seems to be friends with. My fervent hope for the past several months has been that when Jay got home from PT in the morning he would be able to take Miah in on his way back to work. If today is any indication, that is NOT going to happen! I waited for him to see what time he'd come rolling in, and it's right about the time that Miah needs to be walking out the door, so it looks like I'm stuck with double driving duty. All this, mind you to keep our kids off the school bus because 1. They come by the house at crazy and unreasonable times (and WHY would I be up at 5am for Laurel to get on the bus??) and 2. I used to ride the school bus. I know what sorts of things go on on those peer pressure traps, and MY kids aren't going to learn the things I learned via bus rides!! Trust me, it's worth it.

Jay and I have awesome news...We were able to pick up his orders for Fort Gordon, so we have the dates for packing set in stone (army stone, though) We have been kicking around ideas for plans. I don't want to move down to Gordon without him, but the house is officially ours Feb. 1st. I hate the idea of leaving him here to clear housing alone (such stress!) and to tell you the truth the thought of a month and a half without him makes me feel ill. So I think we are going to pay double rent one month, and suck it up.
I am just a smidge freaked out about the movers touching all my stuff! I keep adding to the pile of things I want to move myself. My van is going to be stuffed to the gills!
The one thing we do know is that the on post guest housing does NOT allow dogs, so I have to drive up to mom's a couple of days before the movers come to drop Dobby off, so that we can be here to clean out the house and clear post, and not have to pay for Doggy day care. Even as small as she is, it'll cost $50.00 a day for a kennel of decent repute, which by the way is the same price for a night at guest housing for my whole family! YIKES!
So, I'm excited, nervous, and antsy. And gees, is my house ever quiet....I'm alone!

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