I've really been lax in my blogging lately, mostly because there isn't anything going on that I can talk about. Certainly not anything I'd want to read if I were an outsider reading this blog! The kid went to Florida with Mom and Ron for two weeks over the holidays, which meant that amongst the every-fourth-day staff duty, Jay and I were alone! What did we do with this time? I'm not ashamed to say that we mostly watched every single rated R movie that has come out in the past two years. Oh, was it fun! The two stand outs for me were Inglorious Bastards, and Dead Girl. The former because any type of Hitler era movie/story gets me excited (can't go into detail, b/c a friend hasn't seen it yet, but the movie was intense!) and the latter because it was just so absolutely raw and disturbing.
The other big thing we did was shopping. We went on a hunt for a new table for the front room. We had had a trunk in between the two couches, but it was heavy, hard to move, and too darned tall. We went to South Carolina, several antique shops here, and finally after seeing a huge amount of over priced tables that we'd have top saw the legs off of anyway, we found a rugged, painted, worn down and beat up table that had just enough leg height that we could saw them down to our desired size. It's a funky green now, but as soon as it gets warm out I'll be out there with my sander and some stain. My favorite feature of the table is that it has a leaf, and pulls out really far, so we have enough space to play games, sit Japanese style and eat dinner, or simply plop our stuff and our feet down. We bought a new miter box and took it down about a foot as soon as we got home, and it's perfect!
I spent a lot of time alone too. Between Staff Duty, and the day after catching up on sleep, I spent many an hour trying to entertain myself. Some of which was spent making jewelry See below picture for my latest) and some was spent reading. I read the new thousand page Stephen King novel in less than a week, and started a trashy historical novel I had first read as a kid. Oh, Stephen, your constant reader was not disappointed! As a matter of fact I was quite happy with the ending, which sometimes doesn't happen with one of his novels. Again, I cannot go into the story line because Jay is still reading it, but I'll tell you, it was worth the wait.
Well, sadly, it's time for me to let the dogs back in and go get the girls. I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of my latest necklace...

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