Me, after:
Isn't it funny sometimes, how life puts you exactly where you need to be? I made an appointment at a salon that was literally around the corner from my house. It's the only one that I've seen down here and remembered the location, because the name is Sybil's which reminds me of the novel of the same name about a girl with multiple personalities. It's funny, because the place sells wigs....Get it? Each time one of my girls dons a wig, they have a different personality, grandma, princess....maybe it's just me. I think it's funny, and that's why this place stuck in my memory. It turns out that these guys do so many Locks of Love donations that now they put them in a box and send them all off for the customer instead of having them sent off individually. Sue played with my now short hair, and talked me into trusting her (I know!) and I ended up with this cute little bob. The picture doesn't do it justice, because it's fluffy and bouncy, and curled under just so...Sue even showed me how to do it. How cool is that? I have never walked into a place with a picture of the cut I want and had anyone have the guts to tell me it wasn't right for me. And sure as heck never showed me how to fix it up!
As soon as I was done I had just enough time to run to target while I still remembered all the things she told me I needed. I spent a little too much, but it was fun to be girly for once. The problem is that with all of this arctic wind, my hair fell flat as soon a a gust hit me in the face! Bah!
I can't tell you how good it feels to have 12 inches cut off my hair. My head felt lighter immediately! Also, instead of a half an hour to blow dry my hair, it too maybe 5 minutes to get done, and it swishes when I tip my head. I love it. It feels free! I did notice under all those nasty lights that I have the widest jaw on the planet! When did that happen, and why is it that your mirror at home tells you you look great, and when you go out every reflective surface you encounter calls your mirror a lying bastard? I call bullshit! I resolve to never glimpse in someone Else's mirror again....
In other news, I've been sooooo good this week. I actually can't wait to get on the scale! I'll pretend that I'm not getting the munchies at 3 every day, if only this extra weight will go away faster. Hopefully this time next year I'll be laughing at three o' clock!
So, what do you think of the new do?
Be careful when brushing your hair - every time i've chopped hair off, i've gone to brush it as if it were long and scraped my nipples. Maybe the real moral here is to not brush your hair naked. Whichever!
You look GREAT!!!! I LOVE it!!! And uh... yeah... don't brush your hair naked! LOL
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