Repression.....Compression.....Critical Mass...Explosion
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Thursday's Thoughts
The soldier, above all other people, prays for peace, for he must suffer and
bear the deepest wounds and scars of war - General Douglas McArthur
I always say,
Every afternoon I spend about two hours in my car waiting for my kids after school. You have to get to the school to start the line if you are going to get out of the parking lot at any sort of decent hour. After picking Laurel up, I drive over to Miah's school, where I wait another hour. At Miah's school they have these evil little kids who are supposed to open your car door to let your kid in the car, teachers to micromanage how and when you drive, and more teachers to call out the name of students who's parents are ready to pick them up. Too many small people, with just enough power to make a regular gal crazy. Normally everything runs smoothly, not to include the time one of the kids slammed Miah's foot in the sliding van door. (Kids don't touch my car any more. The VP made sure of this. It's a huge bone of contention for me. My nine year old knows how to OPEN a CAR door!, but I digress) yesterday there was a substitute teacher on the sidewalk. I'm assuming that her job there was to keep order and make sure that there are no students running off. I've never seen her before, and she has no clue who I am, or which car Miah is supposed to go to, so she couldn't possibly be in charge of students getting to the proper car! I was parked where I always am, in line, ready to pull up. Miah saw my van and starts walking towards me like she always does, when this broad throws her arm up to cut her off and tells her to walk in the opposite direction. Miah tried to pipe up and let her know that I was a mere five feet away, well within the safety zone, but the woman refused to listen to Miah, and cut her off. Miah sighed and started walking, while I am starting to wonder what the bleep is going on. I pull forward to get into Miah's line of sight and tell her to hurry up and get into the car. We have a limited amount of time in which she needs to get home, do homework, do her chores, and get ready to do spelling with Daddy when he gets home. We have two hours a night with Jay, in which dinner, spelling practice, how was your day talk, and possibly a little tv and kids cuddling with their dad on the couch. So I'm not messing around. The dog needs to go out as soon as we get home, and she won't wait! Miah does as she is told, like the good little girl she is. SHE knows who her boss is. The teacher actually walked up to MY car, and grabbed Miah's shoulder as if to pull her out of the car, and tells her that she WILL walk to the end of the sidewalk, and she WILL follow the rules. I told her (the teacher) at least three times to please just let Miah in the car b/c hell, she's already half in! She starts talking about how the rules this and the rules that, and blah blah blah....and how if I stop there then I'm holding up the line. Was the line moving at this point, you ask? NO! WHY you say? Well, because this woman is yelling into my car, that's why! She actually started to correct Miah in my presence, and tell her to not listen to me, that there are rules, and poor Miah has a look on her face, as Laurel described it that said "Oh, some one's HEAD is going to come off" She was actually ducking and cowering in the opening of the door! I saw all this and told Miah under no uncertain terms that she was to get in the car and buckle up. The teacher said, well, I'll just go talk to Mr. (*****) the principal. So I said, "Go ahead, but it won't matter, because I'M her MOTHER!)
She never did talk to the principal....but I DID. I was up half the night yelling at them in my head. I wanted to yank her ear off. This morning Jay and I dropped Miah off in the Lobby, and headed to the office. Thankfully the principal was nice, he listened, and offered to talk to Miah (Which we did already, she was disturbed to say the least) Needless to say, that teacher won't be getting any jobs any time soon at that school. I'm still so irritated I could choke someone. I can't believe that any woman would dare put a hand on my kid. Jay's main concern was that if she was willing to grab Miah and get physical in front of me, what is she willing to do when alone? I've met some evil subs, some of which went home crying after my dad got a hold of them, but even at their worst, I've NEVER seen a teacher put a hand on a student!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Weight Watchers
This week I lost 1.4 lbs, and Jay lost 4lbs! (gonna sneak feed him m&m's in his sleep...) This means that with last week's .6b loss, I get to add two more beads to my bracelet! Yay!
Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Thursday's Thoughts
It amazes me to think of how much difference each little change can make.
Grandma's Button Box
Inspired by my Grandma's button box. All buttons are antique shell buttons just like the ones I used to run my fingers through when I was little. They even smell the same. Call it a "great memories" necklace. More to come!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Steaming Broccoli
How to steam broccoli.
Before you cook:
2. Cut off the thickest portion of the stalks, removing the fibrous, woody bases.
3. Either chop the broccoli into bite-sized pieces or cut it into thin stalks with florets at the top so it looks like a group of small trees.
Stove top steaming:
There are various kitchen implements available for stove top steaming. You may use either a folding metal steaming basket or a hard pan-insert designed for steaming or a steaming basket made of wood. Whichever steaming tool you select, it should be placed in a pan that has a tightly fitting lid.
1. Fill the base of the pan with water so it is up to the level of the steamer, but does not rise up into the steamer.
2. Set the stove burner to high.
3. Once the water is boiling, place the broccoli loosely in the steamer. It is okay to fill the steamer, but it should not be packed with broccoli.
3. Cover the pan.
4. Allow the broccoli to cook three to five minutes. If the pan is really full, you may need additional time.
5. Make sure to remove the pan from the heat source and to remove the lid once the broccoli is done or it will continue to cook.
It turned out perfectly, Laurel especially was happy! I think I'm going to be making my veggies this way from now on. No oil, no huge cleanup and all the vitamins left intact. How can you go wrong?
Monday, January 18, 2010
Friday, January 15, 2010
Best potatoes ever!
Add to Shopping List
Serves 10
Parsnips, which look a bit like cream-colored carrots, add flavor and texture to otherwise traditional mashed potatoes. Stir in a handful of chopped green onions or grated cheddar cheese before serving, if you like.
4 pounds Yukon gold potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
1 pound parsnips, peeled and cut into chunks
1 cup milk, hot
6 tablespoons unsalted butter
Freshly ground white pepper
Salt and pepper to taste
Place potatoes and parsnips in a large pot, cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and summer until tender, 20 to 25 minutes. or until potatoes are very tender. Drain well, return to pot, add milk and butter and mash until almost smooth (or leave slightly chunky, if you prefer). Season with salt and pepper and serve.
Per Serving (292g-wt.): 300 calories (80 from fat), 9g total fat, 6g saturated fat, 7g protein, 46g total carbohydrate (5g dietary fiber, 4g sugar), 25mg cholesterol, 810mg sodium
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Thursday's Thoughts
What you don't know can't hurt you
I Don't Think So, Tim!
I'm angry. This country gave away it's freedom for safety. As Thomas Jefferson said:
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither.
I truly believe that 9/11 was a special case. I'm not going to say it will never happen again, but I doubt that something of that magnitude will again. It's not because of the war, or security's because they blew their wad with that one! Every attempt (that the powers that be let us know about) has been tiny. All of which have been stopped by the people around them. The only thing we need to do to be safe is keep our government under control and in it's place, and be personally vigilant. Pay attention to what's going on around you. Certainly not by showing my naked body to a bunch of airline jerks who will (I promise) find a way to record these images and post them on the Internet. There will be jokes about fat people, and pretty girls will be singled out. Maybe not everywhere, but you know there are a certain group of people in the world that will take advantage.
The world is starting to look more and more like George Orwell's nightmares....
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Old Idea, New Application

I was thinking in the car, waiting for the girls to get out of school, that I need a visual reminder of my weight loss journey. If I had something I could keep with me all the time that would remind me of my ultimate goal, it might be easier to stick to it. I got to thinking about other ways I had marked time, or achievements and thought I'd steal from one of my own favorite ideas. When Jay leaves for training or war (Said so casually now, how sad.) The girls and I make either pie charts out of paper plates marking the passage of months, or paper chains marking the days. I didn't want to start a chain mail sort of project to mark each pound lost because it wouldn't be wearable for a long while, so rather I thought to make a bracelet that I could mark each pound lost with a bead. So, above you have the start of my project. Every week (hopefully) I will be able to add another bead...I'm just not sure yet if I will draw from the same few beads, or if it will be a mishmash of many different kinds. Maybe for particularly hard weeks, or special goals met I'll find something special to add, like a charm, or elaborate silver bead. I'm just not sure yet. I used brass, copper and sterling silver metals together to give myself some versatility, the large round beads are those luscious garnet beads I love so much, and the dangles are pearl, and a mystery bead I have a strand of. I hate it when bead shops don't label things. I'll never remember what it is, and it would be so helpful to have the knowledge!
I have a couple of projects in the works, so I hope to get those posted soon.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Friday, January 8, 2010
Locks of Love Part Deux
Me, after:
Isn't it funny sometimes, how life puts you exactly where you need to be? I made an appointment at a salon that was literally around the corner from my house. It's the only one that I've seen down here and remembered the location, because the name is Sybil's which reminds me of the novel of the same name about a girl with multiple personalities. It's funny, because the place sells wigs....Get it? Each time one of my girls dons a wig, they have a different personality, grandma, princess....maybe it's just me. I think it's funny, and that's why this place stuck in my memory. It turns out that these guys do so many Locks of Love donations that now they put them in a box and send them all off for the customer instead of having them sent off individually. Sue played with my now short hair, and talked me into trusting her (I know!) and I ended up with this cute little bob. The picture doesn't do it justice, because it's fluffy and bouncy, and curled under just so...Sue even showed me how to do it. How cool is that? I have never walked into a place with a picture of the cut I want and had anyone have the guts to tell me it wasn't right for me. And sure as heck never showed me how to fix it up!
As soon as I was done I had just enough time to run to target while I still remembered all the things she told me I needed. I spent a little too much, but it was fun to be girly for once. The problem is that with all of this arctic wind, my hair fell flat as soon a a gust hit me in the face! Bah!
I can't tell you how good it feels to have 12 inches cut off my hair. My head felt lighter immediately! Also, instead of a half an hour to blow dry my hair, it too maybe 5 minutes to get done, and it swishes when I tip my head. I love it. It feels free! I did notice under all those nasty lights that I have the widest jaw on the planet! When did that happen, and why is it that your mirror at home tells you you look great, and when you go out every reflective surface you encounter calls your mirror a lying bastard? I call bullshit! I resolve to never glimpse in someone Else's mirror again....
In other news, I've been sooooo good this week. I actually can't wait to get on the scale! I'll pretend that I'm not getting the munchies at 3 every day, if only this extra weight will go away faster. Hopefully this time next year I'll be laughing at three o' clock!
So, what do you think of the new do?
Locks of Love
From the site:
And that's just awesome! It's easy to do too.WHAT IS LOCKS OF LOVE?
Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children in the United States and Canada under age 21 suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. We meet a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics. Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses we provide help to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday's Thoughts
The world does not have a ctrl-z function.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
New Year, New Me?
I've really been lax in my blogging lately, mostly because there isn't anything going on that I can talk about. Certainly not anything I'd want to read if I were an outsider reading this blog! The kid went to Florida with Mom and Ron for two weeks over the holidays, which meant that amongst the every-fourth-day staff duty, Jay and I were alone! What did we do with this time? I'm not ashamed to say that we mostly watched every single rated R movie that has come out in the past two years. Oh, was it fun! The two stand outs for me were Inglorious Bastards, and Dead Girl. The former because any type of Hitler era movie/story gets me excited (can't go into detail, b/c a friend hasn't seen it yet, but the movie was intense!) and the latter because it was just so absolutely raw and disturbing.
The other big thing we did was shopping. We went on a hunt for a new table for the front room. We had had a trunk in between the two couches, but it was heavy, hard to move, and too darned tall. We went to South Carolina, several antique shops here, and finally after seeing a huge amount of over priced tables that we'd have top saw the legs off of anyway, we found a rugged, painted, worn down and beat up table that had just enough leg height that we could saw them down to our desired size. It's a funky green now, but as soon as it gets warm out I'll be out there with my sander and some stain. My favorite feature of the table is that it has a leaf, and pulls out really far, so we have enough space to play games, sit Japanese style and eat dinner, or simply plop our stuff and our feet down. We bought a new miter box and took it down about a foot as soon as we got home, and it's perfect!
I spent a lot of time alone too. Between Staff Duty, and the day after catching up on sleep, I spent many an hour trying to entertain myself. Some of which was spent making jewelry See below picture for my latest) and some was spent reading. I read the new thousand page Stephen King novel in less than a week, and started a trashy historical novel I had first read as a kid. Oh, Stephen, your constant reader was not disappointed! As a matter of fact I was quite happy with the ending, which sometimes doesn't happen with one of his novels. Again, I cannot go into the story line because Jay is still reading it, but I'll tell you, it was worth the wait.
Well, sadly, it's time for me to let the dogs back in and go get the girls. I'll leave you with a couple of pictures of my latest necklace...