While the other pictures were loading, Miah and I had a blast dressing Megan up!
You can tell Miah dosen't feel good, just look at those poor sad eyes. You'll notice that the dogs are surrounding her...usually they hang out with me wherever I am, but they haven't left her yet, except to go outside every once in a while. I am most impressed with the shoes, but Miah says her favorite is the black and white outfit with the hat. After Miah looked at most of the clothes, she said "Do these come in Miah sizes?!" lol She LOVES them!
Miah sent a special video for Manny:
Thank you Miah. I hope Megan likes her new clothes and I hope you feel better soon. I love you.
CUTE clothes! Kennedy loves dressing her Charlie... errrrr actually she makes ME dress her! LOL
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