Jay had to leave early today for a formation with some Sergent Major I've never heard of, so I'm playing Farmville on Facebook, and listening to the "The Devil Wears Prada" audio book. Yesterday we had a ball at the movies, seeing "It's Complicated" at the dollar theater, shopping at Old Navy and Cato, and having dinner at Subway. We finally got a whole day to ourselves. It was great. I woke up seriously late, around ten. Since I got sick I've been really tired, and luckily Jay's schedule has changed for the better so he's been letting me sleep in while he drives the girls to school. I took a shower, and got dressed in an outfit I'd be happy to wear all day AND to the movies (usually the weekend is yoga pants and cotton tees) and came downstairs following the smell of freshly brewed coffee...to Jay washing dishes and Miah sweeping the kitchen floor. Wonderful! Oh, the best husband ever....
We had to call the Internet help desk due to crazy Internet connections, but Jay got it all worked out, then we started our new family tree project. We've been watching "Who Do You Think You Are" and got curious....the tree is HUGE and I haven't even started on my brothers and sisters' families yet.
After grabbing some lunch, we headed to the theater. I ate the rest of my food while Jay quizzed Miah on the times table. I pointed out to the girls the horizon, where you could see that in the distance it was raining. I love how it looks like the clouds are drifting to the ground, rather than rain falling. Miah was curious, clearly previously thinking that when it rained where she was, it was also raining all over the planet at the same time. I told her about living in the Valley in Kentucky, and seeing a sheet of rain gradually creeping towards me, like an impossibly huge wall. Once My little brother and I were on opposite ends of the cabin arguing about whether it was raining...not knowing that it was only raining over half the house. You could see the wheels turning in Miah's head...and the strange questions ensued. Miah ended the conversation with a giggle and we entered the theater.
The movie was hilarious. If you haven't seen it you should! There are a couple of jokes that may not be appropriate for children, but not for ours. We are very open with the girls, so they didn't end up being uncomfortable at all, but for some it may be too much...We found ourselves laughing out loud several times. I love a good theater crowd, and we were in good company. Everyone reacted when things were funny, and gasped when something was startling. There is nothing worse than being the only person laughing in a crowded audience.
I have started loosing enough weight that my "boyfriend fit" jeans are sagging enough to make me feel frumpy. Not that I'm usually particularly stylish, but I try... So we headed over to Old Navy to try and find a pair of jeans. NOTHING fit! I love the shirts and scarves, even the dresses, but the jeans there are ridiculous. All low rise, boot cut, skinny, or full of holes. There are now even jeans with splashes of paint flung all over them. If I wanted those, I'd go shopping in my dresser! So after trying on linen slacks, and boot cut jeans I left with only two beautiful scarves. Stupid tiny kneed boot cut jeans.
So we headed to Cato. I love Cato. I'm going to always buy all of my jeans there. Everything I tried on was great. I got three pair of loose leg, tailored, and belted jeans. Sigh of relief! I have to go have the waists cinched in and leg lengths altered, but that costs next to nothing, and the pants look amazing afterward. I hate how short my legs are, but seeing as there is nothing I can do about that, I have to do the extra work.
By the time we got home it was dark, so no playing in the yard was going to happen, but we did get to watch the next episode of Voyager together (the kids love Star Trek, and it's our special treat to watch the series' Jay brought back from Iraq.)
It was altogether a great day. I'm glad, because today Jay had to leave early, and won't be back until well into the evening. Made worse by the fact that the clock "sprang forward" last night, so we had even less time than we thought we would when we first woke up this morning. I hate the time change. The only comfort I get from it is the fact that it means that the 65 degree weather we've been getting sporadically is going to be sticking around more and more. I can't wait.
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