Trying to be serious. Only pulled off looking cute!
Look at those BLUE eyes!
Weaving vines into crowns.
Not a lot has been going on. I did find a Weight Watcher's center here...I'm on week two (all over again) and now that we are settled, I can focus again. I am going to start posting on Tuesdays again as soon as I weigh in Next Tuesday. I debated whether I wanted to post how much I weigh, but I decided it's none of your business!! LOL
I bought an antique Hoosier cabinet to use as an island in my kitchen:
I bought an antique Hoosier cabinet to use as an island in my kitchen:
It's an awesome addition to the space. It is amazing how much space this one more cabinet gave me. I find that I use it as a prep station much more than the built in cabinets now. It's just feels more natural. That was a great buy for $150.00!
There are only 6 more days of school left here. I'm glad to be able to sleep in a bit, but nervous about how I'm going to occupy the girls for three months. I'm thinking that a lot of garden and yard work are in order!
Laurel received honors last week for her grades, and I had to sit through the worst ceremony possible. I know you are supposed to sit there all proud and happy, but they turned it into a replica of the band/chorus concert I'd seen last night, PLUS a girl singing a Kelly Clarkson (I think) song who couldn't sing very well. It killed my ears, and oh, how sometimes I wish that parents didn't have to show up for some of this stuff. The only good part of the morning was that I got to hear Laurel's band play the National Anthem, and to also find out that this is the first time that the sixth grade band has been good enough to play the piece (it is a hard piece of music to play) Jay attributes this to Laurel's self proclaimed AWEsomeness.
(It literally took all day for this to load, so I hope you enjoy it! Holy cow this thing is slow!)

I recently bought a couple of antique typewriters and cameras to decorate my mantel with. As I'm exploring the bigger camera, I think, why not try to take a digital photo through the lens, or through the back of the camera even? I played with both cameras for a while and this is what I came up with. Mind you, the subject is half dressed, and eating popcorn, so it's not the best pic ever, but it has potential. I'd love to find actual film for the camera and try it out. It's old but the parts all work. It anyone knows where I might find a source for old film....let me know!
We also found a farmer's market nearby, that has raw honey (it's incredibly good) and great produce. I made some awesome fried green tomatoes.
Well, that's about it! I've been under the weather for about a month now, but I think it's pretty much over now. The kids never did get sick, thank goodness! But now that I'm feeling up to par, I'll have a little more to write about.
Until next time!
So you're going to get sick of my comments here........
Love the cabinet!
I miss your "blonde" beauty...maybe it's because the color ages her?? Who needs a teenager anyway huh Laurel?
Does Jay know you posted the half neked pic?? LOL
I'll just call you Idgie or maybe Ruth...but I guess neither works since "we two" don't want to turn our DH's into BBQ....we could still be old friends in houses with big front porches and rolling lawns....sipping sweet tea (ick..I mean unsweet tea and watered down lemonade)in our porch rockers...beading as our grandchildren run underfoot. I love that book and have still never eaten a fried green tomato
I miss you!
Maybe someday our snowflakes will land near eachother again :)
I love that idea. Big porches, porch swings, iced tea. Can we do that now? I'm thinking a couple of farms in the middle of nowhere, and some farm animals running around. Too bad by the time we are able to retire our kids will be too old to enjoy it! Well, wait, MY kids will be too old, not YOURS. LOL
I just realized that you probably won't see this! I'll email you right now!
I miss you too!
You really do need to try the tomatoes. They are so nice and tangy. It's may favorite spring time snack! They remind me of super super hot summers, iced tea, and sweating in the garden. Best childhood ever!
I love the pix of Laurel,the dark hair really brings out her blue eyes.I think she gets prettier every year and she looks so grown up!
Those pix of the tomatos are so cute,I hope it doesnt make me a dork to love pictures of veggies lol
It looks like you guys are loving the new place and life seems to be going pretty well.As always wishing you all the best!
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