1. The first rule of working in an office and getting along is _pretend to like everyone even if you want to push their fingers in the shredder (unresolved issues much?)____.
2. __I flippin' hate___ clams.
3. When I think of carnivals I think of __funnel cakes and throwing up___.
4. __dandelions and daffodils are___ my favorite spring flowers.
5. Things on my desk include _scrap book tidbits I'm saving, bills to be sent out and my noggin bop robot from the aquarium____.
6. ___the broken air conditioner__ makes me wanna _cry. I just know that soon its going to be hot...___.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __watching movies
___, tomorrow my plans include _gardening____ and Sunday, I want to _not do too much____!
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