(Picture By Miah La Forest)
Be 4'1 or 7'9"?
I'm already short, so bring it on...
Live without music or live without T.V.
Without tv!
Eat a bar of soap or drink a bottle of dishwashing liquid?
Um, really? Seems that a bottle of liquid would be easier to swallow...
Be called a racist or a traitor to your country?
I'd rather be a traitor.
Lose your legs or lose your arms?
My legs. I'd hate to never be able to hold my babies again.
Have a beautiful house and ugly car or an ugly house and beautiful car?
Who cares about a car? I'd rather have the nice house!
Be blind or deaf?
I actually am mostly deaf anyway, so lets go with that one!
Live in Antarctica or Death Valley?
Death valley. I hate cold.
In a fire, save a sibling or a stranger?
It would totally depend on several things. Who is closer, who can I carry, is one of them unconsious? Nah, forget that, I'd save my Bub.
Be spanked or be put on a restriction (on your favorite thing to do)?
LOL Spanked. (insert rude comment here)
Eat sushi or liver?
Well, lets see...Raw nasty, or cooked nasty? I'd go for liver. Where's the A1?
Have 3 eyes or webbed feet?
Three eyes might be handy.
Meet the president of the U.S.
or Billy Graham?
Even if we are still talking about Bush, I'd rather meet him. ick, Billy Graham?
Find true love or 1 million dollars?
I have the love thing already, so...money?
Always have to say everything on your mind or never speak again?
Ooh. I can't live with out talking. I usually say what I think anyway, unless what I think will REALLY hurt someone...(darn my tact LOLOLOLOLOL)
Be gossipped about or never talked about at all?
Never talked about.
Have stars in your eyes or eyes in the back of your head?
For sure, eyes in the back of my head. What good do stars do me?
Have x-ray vision or bionic hearing?
I think I'd rather have x-ray vision. Unless I have the ability to turn the power off at will, then I'd rather have the hearing. Last thing I need is to be able to hear my kids chewing from even farther away!
Be able to hear any conversation or take back anything you say?
I'd rather take back anything I say. I could care less about hearing everyone else, but to take back some of those stupid things that you say in the moment then agonize over later...that's priceless!
End hunger or hatred?
Hunger. Why do people care so much about what other people think?
Publish your diary or make a movie on your most embarrassing moment?
yikes. Publish the diary that I tell secrets in? NO WAY. I can't even think of what my most embarrassing moment is...so lets make a really boring movie!
Get caught singing in the mirror or spying on your crush?
Spying. Why not?
Be a dog named Killer or a cat named Fluffy? Rather be a dog!
Be stranded on an island alone or with someone you hate?
Alone. If I'm left alone with the person I hate, I'd kill her the second I confirm we are alone, then lie about what happened to her later. IF I let myself get rescued.
Get even or get over it?
I like getting even. I can't help it. I'm not a christian, so I don't have to worry about the guilt.
Always lose or never play?
Never play.
Be forced to tell your best friend a lie or tell your parents the truth?
I'm not really concerned with truths. I'd rather not lie if I don't have to.
Know it all or have it all?
Know it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Always get first dibs or the last laugh?
Last laugh
Give bad advice or take bad advice?
Give bad advice. They don't have to TAKE it.
Have sand in your shorts or water in your ear?
Sand in the shorts. ( I have tubes in my ears..that HURTS!)
Forget your sunscreen or your sunglasses?
Kiss a jellyfish or step on a crab?
Kiss the TOP of the Jellyfish!
Own a ski lodge or a surf camp?
Surf camp. As long as I don't have to wear the bathing suit!
Forget who you were or who everyone else was?
Forget who I am. I can reinvent myself.
Have one wish granted today or three wishes granted in 10 years?
Three in Ten. It'd take me that long to come up with good ones anyway.
Give up your computer or your pet?
Be the sand castle or the wave?
The wave
Overthrow a dictatorship or lead one?
Write the worst book in history or record the worst song in history?
Worst book. It'd be forgotten soon enough. People still talk about William Hong
Get free chocolate for one year or free potatoes forever?
Have half days everyday or no work forever?
Half days. I'd go nuts without something to do.
Wear all pink or all purple to work?
Take a math test or do a lab in science?
Lab in science!!
Have a mansion in the middle of nowhere or an apartment with 10 friends?
Middle of nowhere, for sure!
Be a deep sea diver or an astronaut?
Now that's actually a hard question. I have no idea.
Bake cookies in cooking class or do art projects in art class?
I like both, but I think I'd go for Art class.
Run the mile or give a speech for English?
Have a pie-eating contest or a wheelbarrow race?
*SIGH* wheelbarrow race. I guess.
Have a big group of friends or one very close friend?
One very close. One good friend is better than a million bad ones.
Not be able to talk or hear for one day?
Be nervous but excited or relaxed but bored?
Wear a school uniform or last year's Halloween costume?
Maybe the school uniform WAS last years costume. lol
Spend the day surfing the internet or the ocean?
Be an actress/actor in a big movie or the director?
Have an ugly, loyal dog or a prize-winning, snobby cat?
Loyal doggie
Be a professional baseball player or a champion horse breeder?
Horse breeder.
Be saved by Superman or meet Winnie the Pooh?
Saved by superman.
Go to an amusement park or to a family reunion?
A family reunion IS an amusement park. lololol
Have a kangaroo or koala as your pet?
Koala. Kanga kicks.
Be rich with an unhappy job or make less money with a job you like?
LESS money
Not be able to use your phone or your e-mail?
Snowboard in the winter or swim in the summer?
Swim in the summer
Pick your own nose or someone else's?
ew. My own, if I have to pick. lol
Be a tree or live in a tree?
Live in a tree.
Write a mystery or a poem?
Meet an alien visitor or travel to outer space?
Meet an alien from outer space.
Be forgotten or hatefully remembered?
Be forgotten...on secong thought, why would I care either way?
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