Limbo is a stinky place to be sitting. We have the house all ready to go, and I am constantly decorating in my head. This room will do this...this table will go here...
However, in true army fashion, it's taking forever for him to get his orders in hand! We can't make any solid plans until we have those orders, b/c the transportation office needs them to set up our move! I figure we will be completely moved in before March 15th, but other than that I have no clue what is going on. Also, do you have any idea how hard it is to stick to your routine, get housework done, and remember to write in your blog when there is this perfectly good husband going to waste in front of the tv? I keep thinking that I SHOULD be cleaning something or folding clothes....but I really want to keep cuddling on the couch with Jay. I know I'll get tired of him eventually, but that's not happening any time soon. (maybe he is bugging a little bit about the diet though...a guy just back from Iraq does not want salad and couscous for lunch hehehe)
Not too much to talk about really. School started again yesterday, and the kids and I fell right back in to that routine, we tossed out our huge couch and bought a day bed/chaise instead (which I LOVE) and we packed up a TON of stuff for Goodwill, to include a couple of large boxes of books (OUCH) but seeing as I have this Kindle, why should I keep any of the books that are not 1) first editions, or 2) Previously belonging to my father? It still hurt to watch them walk out the door though!
The only truly interesting thing that happened to me during the past couple of weeks was that I go drunk for the very first time on New Years (yes, I'm 29, and I've been tipsy before, just not drunk. To be clear, I was STUPID drunk)
I spent the entire next day throwing up and seriously nausious. My resolution: Never again!
The only good thing about that night was that for the first time since I was dating Brandon Parnell in Highschool, I got kissed at midnight. EVERY single year since Jay has been out of town, out of state, or out of the country. I barley remember the kiss. But I do remember that Jay took such wonderful care of me that night and then the next day. I'd say that makes him just wonderful as a husband, BUT he's the one that kept pouring the vodka.....
Guilty much?
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