Oye, it's been forever since I "blogged". I've been so busy. Jay came home for R&R, we went to Illinois for Laurel's Young scholars program (the CSI Program) went camping alone for 6 whole days, started yoga again, and got back to work. OOF.
I've been reading Rene's blog obsessivly, worried about the craziness that has been K's health, and outraged by the insensitivity of people. I wish I could find "anonomous" and show them how ignorant he/she is.
School started on the 6th. It's been interesting so far. Laurel has started 6th grade, and Miah is in 2nd. Two different schools this year, and until from now on. That is scary to me. I have always depended on Laurel to keep an eye out for Miah, but now that is out. Miah has already started to get tardies because she is so VERY easily distracted. The girls seem to be getting comfortable pretty quickly though. A few tiny complaints, but nothing I could fix anyway. I made sure to sign up for the PTO, and left my name with the teacher to volunteer with dances, and misc. things. Hopefully I'll get an opportunity to get involved with the new school, and get comfortable there. I look forward to it.
So, having Jay withdrawl. Some issues with the internet, and it's driving me crazy. We now (by Jay's chart) have about 124 days left in the deployment, give or take, depending on who is chosen to stay behind to take care of issues. Seems like Jay is always the last one home, and last off the plane, just to be funny. Since Jay waited to come home later, it seems like the last bit isn't that big of a deal. I have 11 months behind me, and when he came home it seemed like he never left. So, really, it's like we are starting a 4 month deployment, and that's nothing. We've done that before without even blinking.
What's really bugging me, is that I spent $20.00 on those "super awesome, 5 year" lightbulbs, and between my brother, and my husband, all the lightbulbs in the house were changed. Jay has been back in Iraq about 10 days, and already the kids room and the hallway are in complete and utter darkness. And the government is going to get rid of the old bulbs in favor of these????? Does anyone know why the bulbs might have burnt out prematurely? I'm not even thinking about buying those things again without some reasonable explanation. I don't have that kind of money!!!
New happenings: I am leaving the kiddos with mom, and taking off to Gatlinburg one weekend this month. I can't freaking wait. Sheila is going to make fun of me, but I'm bringing my yoga mat, and a stack of books. The only way I'm leaving the cabin is to go hiking, to tour the vehicle trails, and to buy the fudge mom requested as payment for babysitting. I am going to CHILL!!!
And, the ultimate practical joke, the reunion is this weekend, just a few days before my 29th birthday. I still don't feel that old. When does that kick in?
also, one more thing, that I am very proud of. I implimented a new household schedule. I know it's totally insane, and a little obsessive, but the kids have a time to do everything they are expected to do in a day, to include computer and tv time, chore time,bathtime and homework time. I've never really been able to stick to a schedule before, but this one is WORKING!!! As of right now, at 7:50 all of the chores are done, the homework completed, and the monkies are all clean. Dinner was right on time at 5 pm (early I know, but we go to bed semi-early) and the clothes are picked out for tomorrow. I am as happy as I can be. Now if only Jeremiah was here to enjoy it with me!
Seriously meandering. I sound like a dufas, but I have a project to complete for Miah, and no time to fix this horrible entry. You'll just have to gloss over the mistakes!
What a great family picture!!! I'm glad he was able to come home on R&R... you're on the countdown now! Us too... I think. Depends on how much I listen to the rumors I guess! haha
Hey let me know how your schedule works out! That sounds like a GREAT idea!
No idea about the lightbulbs. I could never bring myself to pay that much to try them.
Have fun in Gatlinburg!!! (And if you run into Mr. Anonymous from my blog while you're there, be sure to kick him in the butt for me! HA!)
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