I actually got mail at my home address in response to this letter to the editor. It's funny how people formarly in the army despise you for having an opinion contrary to the "norm". This one gentleman decided to tell me how horrible I am because I didn't stand blindly (not his words) behind my husband, his army, and our president. Ha ha. Gag! I am sick and tired of being looked down upon because I don't follow the path everyone is "supposed" to take. I like to have my own opinions, and feel able to express myself with out someone assuming I'm after them, or talking about them specifically, or even thinking of them while I'm doing what I'm doing. People just think way too much of themselves....
I'm just stressed. Not making a lot of sense I'm sure. I am getting one of those nasty headaches, and time has slowed to an absolute crawl now that we have a leave date...and those nice people that were ticking me off so badly a couple of weeks ago are stirring the pot again. I wish they would just S**t or get off the pot. I can't stand it when people threaten and don't go through with it. No testes I guess. lol
In other news....It cost me $44.88 to fill up Jay's tiny little gas tank today. I almost cried. Oh, what is the world coming to? I wish the Gov't would ration gas. Seems like that would help, right? They rationed practically everything during WWII. I actually have some of the stamps my Great Grand Mother used back then. If it worked then, why not now? We could wean ourselves from this dependency, and save moula at the same time. Seems reasonable. I am dead set against setting up new oil rigs near our beaches. The amount of oil they PREDICT will come from them doesn't seem like enough to make a dent. And lets please conserve what little we have left of our environment! Give me a plug in electric car any day. I don't really care about being able to drive a thousand miles in one trip anyway. Seems like they could set up stations for us to plug the cars in, and charge by the kilowatt hour. Maybe the gas companies can look into the profit margins on that! Speaking of, anybody else sick to their stomachs about the gianormous profit margins???? How are we letting this happen? Seems like another generation would be staging sit-ins at gas stations, and becoming gas - celebate. I already stay home as much as possible, and save up errands to get them all in on one trip....I probably still spend a crazy percentage of my budget on gas, as opposed to three or four years ago. Gone are the days when Christie Y. used to run around the highschool asking for spare change and at the end of the day having enough money to fill up her gas tank!!!
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