June 8th, 2008
Today was a rather uneventful day. Jay is on a mission in the middle of nowhere, so there is no talking to him for a while. I hate it when he leaves the comfort of his fob. I get nervous, no matter how “safe” his job is. Stuff happens, you know?
In other news, our ten-year anniversary is planned and ready to go. August 16th. Jay won’t be here, so I’m taking Laurel. It seem appropriate, since I was pregnant with her junior year, and was doing double duty, doing school, homework, and breastfeeding all at the same time. She was sort of our mascot for a while. Several classmates helped me pick her name, and almost everyone in our class had money on a particular date I was going to “pop” how I loathed that question. None of the guys in our class could count to ten months, apparently. I won that bet by the way. I didn’t go into labor until right after graduation. I told everyone I’d make it. I’m too stubborn to loose. Hey, someone owes me $50.00 still!
I’m dreading the reunion just a tiny bit. No, I didn’t date anyone from my class, everyone I dated was either a couple of years older, or one or two younger, so thank god I don’t have to deal with that! It’s just that I’m not a huge fan of large groups of people. I have only one thing in common with most of my classmates, and that is largely that we had the bad luck to go to Metcalfe Co. High. I just know that I’ll end up sitting at a table with Laurel, giggling about the jocks that sell cars, and have beer guts (he he he) and pointing out all the people that used to irritate me (and probably still will) I’m hoping for some surprises, but in this age of internet, I have seen almost everyone I was interested in on My Space. The one guy I wanted to be able to report to Jay about so we could laugh is on the “cannot find” list.
I guess I can introduce Laurel to Tiffany W. who was the only person to stand up for me when the rumors started to fly about my honor (everyone thought that her parentage was in question, but they were all just bored) and there is Daniel F. who was the only person that could really get under Jay’s skin, and Tanya J. who used to be a part of my very tight little group, until she made some unkind remarks about my plans to be a mother, and Kim W. who was my very best friend for a long time, and Connie O. who pulled the best prank in the history of Barn lot (long gross story) and Landon B. who was the butt of that joke…I guess there are a few good memories that I have from highschool, but not thinking about them for ten years has made them pretty foggy. The question is, why are we going to do this to ourselves? For some of us, high school was the best years of our lives, and that will only cause sadness, and nostalgia, and a night spent getting drunk, and for others, like me, it was only a looong drawn out stepping point to better things. Yes, memories are nice, but nothing that I can look back at is going to make me feel better after I get to hold my husband in my arms when he comes home for R&R. It won’t even be a blip on my radar after that.
The only other thing to worry about is; what the heck am I going to wear? And can I get away with taking all the pictures for Jay that will make up for the fact that he’s not going to be there? I thought about doing what I saw in a news show a while back, where this marine’s wife took a huge man shaped blow up poster of her husband so she could go to her reunion with his effigy. I thought about it for a second, but I’d rather not look like a dope, so Laurel and I are going to make buttons with his picture on them to wear, so everyone can get a good look at him. I know that he will be the big topic, since he’s deployed. I doubt I’ll even be of much interest once they figure out what’s going on. Also, I have a feeling he might be the “most changed” since graduation. LOL
Here’s to crossed fingers. I hope we have fun, and no one embarrasses themselves.
ha! Can't wait to hear all about it! You couldn't pay me to go to my reunion... which was last year... if they even had one. Hopefully yours will be fun!
I hadn't thought about the infamous Barnlot prank in years! Thanks for the reminder!
I couldn't bring my self to go to my 10 yr reunion last year. But I hpe you have a nice time even if it is to only laugh!
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