Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thursday's Thoughts

Today's thought:
When the power of love is stronger than the love of power the world will know peace - Jimi Hendrix
What a wonderful thought on the eve of a new year. Yet despite how much of an optimist I tend to be, I have a hard time believing that humans as a group will ever overcome their love of power. Just look to ex-president (king George) Bush. Or the average dictator. Or on a much smaller scale, look to the day manager of your local fast-food joint, or your elementary school crossing guard. Each of these people, and many others, have such a desire for power that they often loose sight of what they are doing with it, and what they have been charged with, let alone sworn to do. Loving your neighbor is a great idea and the hippies may have stumbled on something great with the free love movement, but it was destined to fail before it started. In every group of humans, regardless of the size, someone will decide to control the group. And the larger the group, the more someone will be willing to do to be the one in control.

Take care and have a great 2010.

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