Final score!
Laurel and the band.
Laurel's artwork...
This was the last game of the season (that was fast, huh?) Laurel's band got to play with the high school band, and the opposing team's band. Also, not that I care, but our team kicked butt. I was just there for the band...and a hotdog!
Jay sprained his wrist, but he'll be fine soon. Notice his brace is the same color of his uniform? He has to wear it for a few weeks, and it's funny to watch him struggle with it. I think he's threatened to take it off at least three times.
I tried to get a good picture of Miah, but as usual she couldn't hold still long enough, and then when she tried all of her smiles were insane. This was the best one.
The computer died a couple of days ago while I was uploading the video. I'll have to wait for a new power cord for the laptop before I can try again. I have a couple of other things I need to post too, so I'll be busy!
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