Today Jay and I had our 1st moving out inspection, and things went well. She actually complimented my decorating (funny, because I've taken down most of my art, and it looks pretty bare to me!) and said that our house was in great shape considering how long we've lived here. It makes me wonder what in the world all of my neighbors are up to? I was thinking that all the little things that need to be fixed added up to a lot, but she seemed nonchalant. Not that I'm complaining!!!
We also headed over to the Starbucks for the moving out brief, which made us both feel better. Last time we moved it cost us 800.00, and I was scared. Turned out we got screwed. The housing manager thought that was crazy....well, me too! We aren't THAT rough on things! On the way out the door, where one second it was clear, and the next it was raining like I haven't seen before, I got flippin' soaked!!! I'm still a little chilled! Jay was going to go get the car so I wouldn't get wet, but good grief, not like I'll melt, it's just water! I hate to think that somehow it's more important for me to stay dry than him. Maybe I should get the car for him? I don't know where he gets this from....but I insisted on walking out with him. That's just crazy!
The funny thing is that last night Jay opened our bedroom windows to let some cool air in (on-post housing has issues with temperature...downstairs it's cold, upstairs you cannot breath!) as he was doing so, he joked that it was going to rain like crazy now that he opened the window. Sure enough, I'm not used to leaving them open so I never thought to close them. Six or seven of my journals got wet, but thankfully the book dad wrote was untouched. Seems he's still looking out. :) I only have the one copy, and it would not be easy to get another from Western.
So, anyway, later on we run over to get our taxes done (where I'm told the stimulus monies Bush passed out may effect our return.), and then off to Hobby Lobby for paints for Miah's school project. Busy day! Tomorrow all I have to do is go to Jay's award ceremony, and after that Friday is a day off work, and a day-date, THEN two Valentines day parties, and I get to dance...
Tune in tomorrow for Jay's first real entry.
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