Is it Friday yet? This week so far already has been so rough...I have Clients up the Wazoo, and a new FRG Roster to double check (frankly, if I look at another roster I may pull my hair out!!!) Phone calls, conference calls, traveling, purging my crap to prepare to move, getting sick this weekend, and STILL trying to recover, not talking to Jay for two weeks b/c of training, not sleeping and doctor's appointments have all converged to creat a perfect migraine. I feel so burnt out right now. Truthfully, it's been a couple of months that I have desperatly needed to break away. I've tried a couple if times, but there always seems to be something to do or worry about even when away. Not to mention that as soon as I come home it all rushes back to me. I'm plotting how I can quit everything, and go to sleep for about a week. I'm so tired...
Yesterday after picking the kids up from school we went for a drive. It was so nice to roll down all of the windows on Jay's car, and drive around post. I think I ticked off a couple of people b/c I was only going about 20 even in the 35mph zones, but it was hard to go faster. The weather right now is just perfect. The leaves are starting to turn, and I actually need a sweater in the morning. My only gripe is that I have to wake up when it's still dark, but I'll take it with a smile knowing that it means that time is passing, and Jay will be home soon.
This week officially marks the longest that Jay and I have been apart since we were 14 years old. This does mean though that we are closer to the end than the begining and that is a huge relief. about 53 days to go, give or take. No, we do NOT have a date yet, we won't until the last possible second, but Jay and I always pick a random date to look forward to. Hopefully the one we picked this time will turn out to be farter out, and we can enjoy that day together. Being this close to homecoming doesn't feel any different yet. Give me until about 10 days till, and I'll start freaking out, but for now it's just another crazy day.
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