This morning I've been thinking about my friends. Half of my favorite people in the world are so far away. Iraq, Germany, Alaska, Glasgow....
My very best friend is my husband, Jeremiah (Iraq) I make a great effort every day to talk to him, or put together a box to send, something. It helps that I think about him almost constantly. (our story is for another time)
Sheila and Jennifer are two sisters that I met on my first school bus ride to my new school in Edmonton, Ky. I had just moved there from Indianapolis, andI was struggling to interpret this new language the kids were speaking. Who here could explain "ya'll, yonder, cheer (chair) far (fire) I swanee (I swear ?? Still don't get that one) But a little blond girl who offered me a seat like Jenny did for Forrest on his first school bus ride. Sheila was and is the goofiest chick ever. I don't have enough time to tell all right here, but boy do I have some stories!!! Reba's song "fancy" is never a sad one for me. If I catch it on the radio, I scream it at the top of my lungs, reliving the days I spent in Sheila's room, tortured by the country capitol of Edmonton. HAHAHA
Those days, we were trying to lock Jen out of the room, but as time went on, she and I started to hang out, and though I can't really pinpoint why we are friends, she has been so for twenty years now. She is one of those people that you call every few months to catch up, go camping with once a year, or take shopping trips with, and it seems like you were never apart. I'm just comfortable with her....
One of the coolest people I have ever met is Angilita. She is the loudest, funniest, quarkiest, most loving person I have ever met. Just thinking about her makes me giggle (for me, that is something!) I hear "Hey Staaacy" with that california/latina/from everywhere cause we are
married to the army accent in my ear every once in a while, and it makes me think of how brave I had to be in order to meet her.... It's a long story, but to shorten it some, I met her through Veronica, who once told me how cute my daughter was on the side walk, walking to get our kids from school. When I gave her a funny look and said something like, "oh, but she's a stinker" that was the begining of one of my favorite years here on Fort Campbell. I met Angie at one of our cook out/card playing get togethers. We played "Phase 10" and ate salsa, and tortillas, and had a ball. I miss those days...That is the way to survive a deployment!
Sara is my Alaska friend (now) She was introduced to me by Veronica (I need her to find me someone else! LOL) She had just moved in next door, and Veronica was going back home...
Sara is really cool. She is her own person...though sometimes I think she isn't so sure that that person is as cool as I think she is. She makes jewelry, like I do, but she is the one that really got me interested in it again. Through her I learned about wire work, which is my favorite now. You take a piece of wire, and turn it into something completely new. Sara is one of the best friends I've ever had. Not a lot of people would drop everything and drive to Gallatin so you can drive a couch home, or come get your kids at a second's notice because one of them just spilled varnish all over the floor and you are about to explode at her, or clean up after your dog's week long mess while you are in the hospital. I know she'll tell you I did a lot for her too (my favorite of which was helping her shove over the washer because it "walked" in front of the laundry room door, and she couldn't get it) But the difference is, I do a lot of things for a lot of people. Sometimes I give too much. But Sara is maybe the only one who returned the favor. For that, she is awesome, and I love her. I also love her family, who for so many years were also my family.
I have wondered for the past five months, who is going to be able to replace these guys? This is the first time that I have really been friendless since I moved here six years ago. Usually I have a friend to gripe to during deployments, or at least someone to listen to, that I have to be strong for. This time, I'm the FRG leader, and I can help those ladies....but I've not met anyone who sparked the friendship fire. I have to say though, If I never have another friend again, I'm still pretty damn lucky...
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