Yesterday I got my long term project finished... I painted the deck furniture, built two stools and painted them too. It seemed to take forever b/c as SOON as I started painting it rained. and then again... then after that I lost interest for a bit. It's 98 out there right now, but I swept, and put the deck back together anyway.
We are all ready for our trip to mom's, and I can't wait to go get my babies back! A month is way to long for them to be gone!!
Sheila is coming down to visit for the first time, and I'm excited to cook out and hang out on the new and improved furniture. I'm thinking that I might go out later and get a sprinkler for the kids to play in. We are still under a water restriction, but it's rained like crazy, and I never use the water outside, so I think using a sprinkler once or twice won't get me into trouble.
Speaking of the back yard, we picked our first pepper the other day, and will soon be eating our first tomatoes too. The lettuce was gone a long time ago (yum) and now I know that next year I'm growing plain old iceberg lettuce, b/c I think it will last a bit longer. I'm also waiting impatiently for the jalapenos to finish growing. We already have nine or ten halfway ready!
I'm listening to Darius Rucker on the view, and I hate to admit it, but he sounds pretty good singing country. I miss the Hootie days though...
I should get on with the housework...I'll be posting pictures soon.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday's Thoughts
Today's Thought:
I'm done for now, I'm sorry that I didn't bring a thought worth your time this week. Tune in next week for a thought a little farther reaching.
That's the way we've always done itThis phrase has arisen quite a bit in my life lately and it really has been bothering me. In this modern army, every regulation can be found online and the way it's always been done is just an excuse for an NCO not to know. I am going to save the brunt of my rant for where it belongs, in my own family, but circumstances are leading me to begin to believe that I am amongst a dieing breed of soldiers that are more concerned with doing the job than what the NCOER bullet will look like.
I'm done for now, I'm sorry that I didn't bring a thought worth your time this week. Tune in next week for a thought a little farther reaching.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Finally, an answer!
When I was a little girl, my dad bought me a ten dollar radio that I was obsessed with for years (I still have it...and it still works...) I used to fall asleep every night listening to the radio...sometimes a song would trigger strange dreams....
The song below ( Justified and Ancient [All Bound for Mu Mu Land] - Maxine Harvey, The KLF )triggered the strangest dream I've ever had. There were cows in fields, trains, and strange colors. It very well could have been an example of a bad trip, I swear to god. I've been looking for proof of this song ever since. No one has known what the heck I was talking about, until right now. I was looking around on for music for my wish list and I'll be darned if I didn't accidentally stumble upon it. I'm listening to it right now, and it's really odd. I can see why I had strange dreams! So, Here it is, for your listening pleasure (or not) But, at least, I'm justified! Vindicated! All bound for Mu Mu land...
All bound for Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land
(hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they like to roam the land.
(just roll it from the top)
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
I hope you understand.
(to the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)
They called me up in Tennessee
They said "Tammy, stand by the JAMs"
But if you don't like what they're going to do,
You better not stop them 'cause they're coming through
(bring the beat back)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they drive an ice cream van.
(just roll it from the top)
They're Justified and they're Ancient,
With still no master plan.
(to the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)
The last train left an hour ago,
They were singing "All aboard"
All bound for Mu Mu Land,
Then someone starting screaming "Turn up the Strobe"
(bring the beat back)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
Justified and Ancient, Ancient and a-justified,
Rocking to the rhythm in their ice-cream van
with the plan and the key to
enter into Mu Mu
Vibes from the tribes of the JAMs.
I know where the beat is at,
'cos I know what time it is.
Bring home a dime,
Make mine a "99"
New style, meanwhile, always on a mission while
Fishing in the rivers of life
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi!)
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi!)
Fishing in the rivers
Fishing in the rivers
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
All bound for Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
All bound for Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land
The song below ( Justified and Ancient [All Bound for Mu Mu Land] - Maxine Harvey, The KLF )triggered the strangest dream I've ever had. There were cows in fields, trains, and strange colors. It very well could have been an example of a bad trip, I swear to god. I've been looking for proof of this song ever since. No one has known what the heck I was talking about, until right now. I was looking around on for music for my wish list and I'll be darned if I didn't accidentally stumble upon it. I'm listening to it right now, and it's really odd. I can see why I had strange dreams! So, Here it is, for your listening pleasure (or not) But, at least, I'm justified! Vindicated! All bound for Mu Mu land...
All bound for Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land
(hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they like to roam the land.
(just roll it from the top)
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
I hope you understand.
(to the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)
They called me up in Tennessee
They said "Tammy, stand by the JAMs"
But if you don't like what they're going to do,
You better not stop them 'cause they're coming through
(bring the beat back)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land
They're Justified, and they're Ancient,
And they drive an ice cream van.
(just roll it from the top)
They're Justified and they're Ancient,
With still no master plan.
(to the bridge, to the bridge, to the bridge now)
The last train left an hour ago,
They were singing "All aboard"
All bound for Mu Mu Land,
Then someone starting screaming "Turn up the Strobe"
(bring the beat back)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
Justified and Ancient, Ancient and a-justified,
Rocking to the rhythm in their ice-cream van
with the plan and the key to
enter into Mu Mu
Vibes from the tribes of the JAMs.
I know where the beat is at,
'cos I know what time it is.
Bring home a dime,
Make mine a "99"
New style, meanwhile, always on a mission while
Fishing in the rivers of life
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi!)
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi!)
Fishing in the rivers
Fishing in the rivers
Fishing in the rivers of life (hoi!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
(Hey hey)
All bound for Mu Mu Land (justified!)
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
All bound for Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
Mu Mu Land (ancients of mu mu)
All bound for Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
Mu Mu Land
All bound for Mu Mu Land
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Thursday's Thoughts
The thought for today:
I suppose that the end result is that we can't change which state of life we are in. While you are young, you should enjoy it with relish while being cognizant of the fact that youth is fleeting. When youth is well behind you, enjoy the fact that those years of insecurity and confusion are behind you while doing your best to guide those in need of your help. For those of us who are caught in the middle, perhaps we should just be happy that we have our toes in both pools.
Youth is wasted on the young. -George Bernard ShawAs this is only my thirtieth orbit of Sol, I feel that I am caught between youth and wisdom. My job puts me in such a position that I am faced with both extremes. The young men and women that I am teaching to be army communicators are often the exact reason I suppose that Mr. Shaw formed that thought; rash, headstrong, ruled by their emotions. At the same time, the retired soldiers I work with have at least twenty years more experience at life than me. They often make me feel like a young rash foolhardy person myself. As a result I often spend my days wishing for a little of the former's energy and a little of the latter's wisdom.
I suppose that the end result is that we can't change which state of life we are in. While you are young, you should enjoy it with relish while being cognizant of the fact that youth is fleeting. When youth is well behind you, enjoy the fact that those years of insecurity and confusion are behind you while doing your best to guide those in need of your help. For those of us who are caught in the middle, perhaps we should just be happy that we have our toes in both pools.
george bernard shaw,
thursday's thoughts,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Life Lessons Learned

I wasn't really thinking about talking about this here...but the more I think about it, the more I get tickled. A little bit ago I was informed by a friend (I consider her a friend, mind you, I have no clue how she feels about me...) that someone I used to know was mentioning me and or my family in not the nicest way. Sure, who cares about her opinion, besides, it was all I could do to stand her in the first place, but as an FRG leader and knowledgeable veteran army wife, I never told her exactly what I thought.
This brings me to my topic. The best lesson in "Army Wife School" (and first you should learn!) is that you never want to be unnecessarily rude or nasty to another army wife...or her family. Not unless circumstances make it impossible not to. Think about it for a minute and those of you who have been my peers for a while will figure out why...Just because someone is stationed elsewhere doesn't mean that you will never see them again! While for several friends this is the best news ever...for a couple of people it's the worst. I promise you that if you are mean to someone, THAT someone will be the one that turns up at your next post. Good luck!
Case in point...last year I spotted a dread nemesis at my daughter's school. I couldn't believe my eyes at first, but there the broad was...the one that used to slobber all over Jay and call him, (retch) "Jayyyyyferd!" (retch again) Needless to say, I hated her. Also needless to say (but I will anyway) I melted into the couch of the rotunda like I was a cheese stick in the back of a mini van in summer! Thank god she didn't' see me, but I was in constant fear that she would spot me as I ran into her three more times...I was behind her in line at the "little shop" (Shoppette) and Jay spotted her husband at Wal-Mart, then again at the commissary. Thank God we moved when we did! I never really got the chance to tell her what a scuzz I thought she was (and at the time I would have) which is good, because if she had recognized me, I could have smiled at her and greeted her, then walked on...without getting arrested and/or setting a bad example for my kids. For now, I know that I'm safe from her, and a few other people I can't stand simply because we are at an MOS specific post...and even if the husband of the rude wife I mentioned first comes down here for training and she happens to come with, or whatever situation would cause them to be here...We are actually forbidden to talk to, fraternize with, or even look in the direction of any soldier who is at Gordon for the purposes of training. That works for me!
In the future.....that's another story. I'm sure that at some point I will happen across this chick at some post somewhere, and this time I won't have to be polite because of my position...which simply means that I will pretend I don't see her, and if she is a smart little girl she will do the same, and we will both be happy. Fair warning, if I have to even pretend to be nice to her, while looking her in the face, knowing she is pretending to like ME I'll throw up. I have known she despised me for a long time (not sure why? but also don't care..she's annoying!) and every time she talked to me it made me want to call her out. However...I know better. No matter how fake, annoying, ignorant, name droppy, I know it all, pretending to be a veteran of several deployments (only one under your belt, lady!) she is... at some point it will catch up to her in some way.
I know who my friends are...and I'm all full up thanks!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Thursday's Thoughts
The thought for today:
Don't regard yourself as a guardian of freedom unless you respect and preserve
the rights of people you disagree with -Gerard K. O'Neill
I like to consider myself as a champion of both equality and freedom. (as a side note, i don't think that either are truly possible without the other) We as a nation pride ourselves on our diversity, yet are quick to fight over slight disagreements about religion, politics, the best brand of truck, or any other piece of minutia. I like to discuss these things, especially with someone that disagrees with me. I know that I've started making a point when the person I'm talking to has to resort to screaming. I just can't abide by someone resorting to violence or threats of "eternal damnation" to win an argument. If you truly 'declare for liberty' as Mr. Lincoln would have said, then you must respect the fact that the person that disagrees with you has every right to do so. I charge you to defend their right to be "wrong" as vehemently as you would defend your rights to be "right". I believe in the deepest part of my heart that this is what the founding fathers wanted for our country. We hold ourselves to be the beacon of freedom for the world, lets get back to acting like it.
gerald oneill,
thursday's thoughts
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Weight Watcher's Tuesday
Totally forgot to post yesterday....
I lost .2 lbs yesterday. Not a lot, I know...but it's better than nothing!
The only news I really have is that the air conditioner is STILL not fixed. We've been fine for the most part, but it's stinking hot in the bedroom. The rental management company offered to pay for us to go to a hotel until the air was fixed, because it's supposed to be above 90 off and on for a while, but we declined. I can't imagine trying to occupy myself at a hotel all day until the coil part they need is ready, and I didn't see the point of driving to the hotel at 8 pm every night, then driving back home in the morning. Especially considering we'd have to drive both cars over if I'm to have any freedom. It's crazy. All I can say is that it's a darned good thing I love this house!
The other day I was outside all day long (slightly cooler out there) and read an entire novel from cover to cover. I ate lunch out on deck, and sprouted new freckles across the bridge of my nose and my shoulders. Miah is going to have a field day with that! (she hates freckles, and will scream at you if you mention hers...but they are soooo darned cute!) It was a great way to spend a day.
This morning I ordered 47 new books for free! A lot of classics are free, but there are also some mystery novels, and (cringe) romance novels for free too. I just got done reading the "Reincarnationist" that I got for about $5, and I loved it. I know I've said it a million times, but I love my Kindle. It has now paid for itself several times over.
I made Chicken Tikka Masala for dinner last night, along with Basmati rice, and I'm seriously considering making it again this weekend. I'm addicted to the stuff. Not very weight watchers friendly though. The rice by itself is by nature many more points than regular rice, even though I cook it with plain water. It sucks, because this rice tastes sooo much better! Ha...this is getting pretty boring!
I should mention two things....My friend's Grandma passed away, which totally sucks, but hopefully she is in a better place, where there is no cancer...
And Mi Madre broke her shoulder! Good thing she has the Meemer and Boo to take care of her.
Big hugs to everyone, and I wish I could be in three places at once. I hate that I'm so far removed from everyone.
I lost .2 lbs yesterday. Not a lot, I know...but it's better than nothing!
The only news I really have is that the air conditioner is STILL not fixed. We've been fine for the most part, but it's stinking hot in the bedroom. The rental management company offered to pay for us to go to a hotel until the air was fixed, because it's supposed to be above 90 off and on for a while, but we declined. I can't imagine trying to occupy myself at a hotel all day until the coil part they need is ready, and I didn't see the point of driving to the hotel at 8 pm every night, then driving back home in the morning. Especially considering we'd have to drive both cars over if I'm to have any freedom. It's crazy. All I can say is that it's a darned good thing I love this house!
The other day I was outside all day long (slightly cooler out there) and read an entire novel from cover to cover. I ate lunch out on deck, and sprouted new freckles across the bridge of my nose and my shoulders. Miah is going to have a field day with that! (she hates freckles, and will scream at you if you mention hers...but they are soooo darned cute!) It was a great way to spend a day.
This morning I ordered 47 new books for free! A lot of classics are free, but there are also some mystery novels, and (cringe) romance novels for free too. I just got done reading the "Reincarnationist" that I got for about $5, and I loved it. I know I've said it a million times, but I love my Kindle. It has now paid for itself several times over.

I should mention two things....My friend's Grandma passed away, which totally sucks, but hopefully she is in a better place, where there is no cancer...
And Mi Madre broke her shoulder! Good thing she has the Meemer and Boo to take care of her.
Big hugs to everyone, and I wish I could be in three places at once. I hate that I'm so far removed from everyone.
Monday, June 8, 2009
To the woman that gave birth to my husband:
I hope that you enjoy my blog. This is as close as your drug smoking, alcoholic, sorry excuse for a mother rear end will get to our family. Have a nice day.
If I Were Smart- The song from "Army Wives", by Shelby Lynne
This weekend was a great one...Jay and I got to head to the movies childless (ya, grownup movie!!) to see Angels and Demons (AWESOME MOVIE) and a nice, leisurely lunch at Cracker Barrel. I really miss being alone with my husband!
I've got a lot to do today, housework wise, but I've also decided to plant some potatoes today too.
For right now...I'm watching Army Wives. It comes on at 10:00 pm here, so I saved it for today. Hope you're all having a good Monday!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Thursday's Thoughts
Today's thought:
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake. -Tyler Durden, Fight Club
This is a quote I use often with my soldiers. I try to stress to them that there is no one so unique in the Army that they are above the rules. I truly believe that the biggest problem in the Army today is that so many people find ways around the rules and so many others let them. I like to think of myself as a great equalizer, a man that makes the rules apply to either everyone I see or no one.
But it's not just soldiers that need to realize that they are not really special. Everyone has the same basic needs; food, water, shelter, ect. We must all work together to make the world better for everyone. We may work throughout our lives to better ourselves, but we should all remember that we all come into the world the same way; naked, wet, and crying for momma.
Have a great week.
fight club,
thursday's thoughts,
tyler durden
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My One And Only Thrill - "Who Will Comfort Me" Melody Gardot
Not much to report this week...just a quiet uneventful start to the summer...
I saw her on Dave last night, and wanted to share. Love this!
I saw her on Dave last night, and wanted to share. Love this!
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