My latest OBSESSION: gluing stuff. lol I searched the ebay pages for weeks looking for bargians, and apparently everyone had my idea at the same time! Go ahead, search cufflink bracelets....I'm shocked at how much these go for! I made a few before finally choosing the best one for my mom for mother's day, and so far every time I see her, she's wearing it. I'm not sure if that's because she's my mom, or if she really likes it. You never can tell about those mom people. :D
So, I went "home" for the Mother's Day weekend, just missing the bouquet of flowers my hubby had sent. Somehow, every time he sends flowers, I choose that day to check the bank account online, so I find out they are coming before they actually get here. Very disappointing! This time though, storms kept me from driving home until Monday night, so my poor hubby had to complain to the company that I didn't get the flowers. Now I have to stay at home until they show up. Tell me, why don't they leave a note letting you know that someone is trying to deliver something? Give me a heads up as to when they will stop back by? Holy cow! Jay is trying to be sweet, and it turns into a week long irritation. Figures, right? Anyway, it was a great weekend. We saw "What Happens in Vegas" at the theater. It was hilarious! Mom and I had decided to take the girls though, and if you aren't a parent comfortable with normally ackward conversations with your kids, that's not a good idea! I'm fine with it, because my kids and I talk openly about sex, and bad decisions. So it didn't bother me too much when at one point of the movie, Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz are both in their undies, dying to sleep with eachother, and instead end up sleeping in seperate places, when Miah leans over and whispers in my ear " I think they want to have sex again!"
It was so darned funny, I immediately leaned over Laurel to relay the message to mom. At this point I'm snickering so hard I can barely contain myself, when Laurel also cracks up. Miah shut me up pretty quickly when she asks why in the world did I tell "Manny" what she said. OOPS. mom faux pas! It's moments like that that are better than Mother's day flowers. Your kids sometimes say things that will stick with you for the rest of your life! Not to mention how proud I am that Miah is so smart to pick up on the emotions the actors portrayed on screen. I'm thinking that my trying to raise my kids to be smart and independant thinkers is working. Wonder how many people will think me a rotten mom for that?
Speaking of rotten moms, I was reading a blurb from the Fort Campbell Newspaper online, I won't mention the ladies name, but she was talking about a conversation she over heard between a mom and her small boy. Apparently the boy was crying over an item he wanted, and in order to hush him, the mom told him to be quiet else the cops came to take him away, because they would think she was being mean to him. Granted, I don't really agree with this type of parenting. Telling the kid that someone is going to take him away strikes me as somewhat mean, but, what I find worse is this "reporter" (not sure??) found it ok to bring it up! How many times have you had you kids act like a rotten brat in the middle of a store? The kid is screetching and you feel the stab of a thousand evil stares on your back. You can almost hear the people around you thinking how rotten a mother you must be for this child to erupt like this! It's happened to me for sure. Miah (who is so much better now) used to freak out not because she wanted something, but because she couldn't hold still, and felt the need to squirm and yell in order to entertain herself. How rude of these people to hear one snippet of a threat, one time in a stressful situation, possibly in the middle of deployment and mom has a million little things on her mind, and judge that poor mom. You never know what a child has been like all day, or what mom is dealing with, or even whether this is a one time deal, or if it is a common occurance. I'd say just about anything to get Miah to shut up in a crowded wal-mart! I hope that mom wasn't too offended by the article, and I hope that the threat WAS a one time deal, and I hope that "reporter" never has to deal with her kids freaking out!!! Every time I see a kiddo freaking, I want to tell the parents that I understand, that it gets better, and that I'm not looking at them in disgust, but in sympathy. Give us moms a break! If you don't like dealing with the kid scene, go shopping at midnight!
Enough of the ranting....
I'm actually having a great day. I got back on the treadmill horse, and at the same time recorded some tv to send to Jay, and haven't got a ton to do! I'm off to get the kiddos, but I will be back to tall you all about my new lawnmower I used for the first time Tuesday. Until then...